About Me

As a science communication specialist and journalist with a diverse background in health, sustainability, politics, and human rights, I work with clients across Europe and beyond to create multimedia content—ranging from articles and reports to videos, graphics and social media campaigns—that translate complex issues into accessible, engaging narratives. With deep knowledge of the EU landscape and a creative, innovative approach, I am passionate about driving positive societal change through impactful storytelling and fresh ideas.

My Latest Work

Do e-cigarettes pose a growing threat to the health of young Europeans? - ESMH

E-cigarettes tend to be particularly popular among younger people.

A 2024 report from the World Health Organization Regional Office for 🇪🇺 revealed that over 30% of 15-year-olds have used e-cigarettes at some point in their lives, with 20% reporting having used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.

But what are the health risks associated with vaping? And how can we prevent young people from picking up the habit?

Watch That Attitude: Is There Ageism in Healthcare?

People are living longer in Europe. Life expectancy increased on the continent by around 12 years between 1960 and 2022. And despite slower progress during the COVID-19 pandemic, the trend appears to be continuing.

Not only are Europeans living longer, their fertility rates are declining. This means that the number of people aged 75-84 years is projected to grow in Europe a full 56.1% by 2050, while the population younger than 55 years is expected to fall by 13.5%.

This means that attitudes towards age need to change, and fast — even among healthcare professionals..

Repurposing Wastewater to Combat Global Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a significant threat to global health, and it is expected to worsen in the coming years. Repurposing wastewater offers a new, valuable source of clean water, nutrients, and energy. This can be a game changer in addressing the global issue of water stress, yet the potential of wastewater is not yet fully exploited. EU-funded projects have tested innovative solutions to make the reuse of wastewater more feasible and efficient.

Protecting the mental well-being of European youth: What can be done?

In Europe, the number of young people (aged 18-29) with mental health problems has at least doubled since the beginning of COVID-19. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among adolescents aged 15–19 in our continent. In addition, almost two-thirds of young people are at risk of depression. Mental health issues are now more than ever disproportionately impacting younger generations. So, what can and should be done to address the situation?

Tackling physical inactivity in Europe: how can we encourage a healthier lifestyle?

Despite the widely recognised advantages of an active lifestyle, including lowering the risk of chronic diseases and preventing premature death, Europeans don’t exercise enough. The data from the OECD’s report “Step Up! Tackling the Burden of Insufficient Physical Activity in Europe” showcase an alarming situation within Europe, as around 45% of Europeans declare that they never exercise or play sports.

Book: You're Young, But It Might Be Cancer

I contributed to developing this compelling book, collecting 16 heartfelt stories of young people affected by colorectal cancer.
The stories unfold across six chapters, reflecting a different part of the patient’s journey. Starting from the unexpected diagnosis and its profound impact on a young individual’s life, the book explores the physical and mental consequences of treatment and how it affects daily life. The young protagonists also share invaluable advice they wish they had received and are now sharing with the public to help those facing similar situations.

EU-SCORES Project_ interview with Patrick Möller, CEO CorPower Ocean.

EU-SCORES interview series kicks off with Episode 1, featuring CorPower Ocean's CEO, Patrik Möller, delving into the company's influence, achievements, and future initiatives within the EU-SCORES project. Joined by Benjamin Lehner from the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC), they explore CorPower Ocean's impactful journey, notably its recent installation of a commercial-scale wave energy converter in northern Portugal.

EU now has 9,000+ “energy communities”: smart, decentralised, flexible generation and consumption

The goal of the EU’s “Clean Energy for all Europeans package” (CEP), adopted in 2019, is to improve the functioning and design of Europe’s energy markets and systems. Luca Arfini, writing for ESCI, explains how, as part of the CEP, new market actors called “active customers/consumers and citizens” and “energy communities” are being established. As variable renewable generation grows, the whole system needs to be more decentralised, smarter and flexible, and energy communities are part of the sol

After CoFoE – What's Next for Digital Democracy in the EU?

It all began four years ago, in March 2019, when French President Emmanuel Macron launched the ambitious idea to chart a transformative course for the European Union’s future with the establishment of a “Conference for Europe”. The plan was to gather feedback from a wide range of stakeholders, including EU citizens and civil society representatives, on the EU’s way of working and, perhaps, to lay the groundwork for a revision to EU treaties.

Fast forward to 2020, Macron’s proposal was backed by

NOMAD: An EU Project for Sustainable Agriculture Development

Synthetic fertilisers nowadays help grow enough food to feed about half of the world’s population – despite their well-known detrimental impact on the environment. NOMAD, an EU-funded research project, aims to ensure a sustainable agriculture future through biofertilisers and a circular economy approach.

Considering eight billion people live on this planet today, with a projected growth of over 9 billion by 2050, it is easy to understand why modern synthetic fertilisers are essential for suppor
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